

Official website of European Para-Archery Championships 2018

The official website of next European Para-Archery Championships 2018 in Pilsen (CZE) is now online: Competition will take place from 11 to 19 August. Coming soon the Invitation Package … stay tuned!

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Elective Congress 2018 in Legnica

On the eve of next European Archery Championships in Legnica (POL), there will be the World Archery Europe Elective Congress (26 August 2018). All the info on the official page.

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Para-Archery Seminar 2018 in Belgrade

The Para-Archery Seminar will take place in Belgrade (SRB) from 10 to 13 April 2018. On the official event page you can find the Invitation Package.

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First IPs of 2018 are online: Rovereto and Olbia

First Invitation Packages for 2018 WAE Events are already available online: – Youth Cup in Rovereto (ITA) on May – 1st leg of Para-Archery Cup in Olbia (ITA) on June  

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European Games Minsk 2019 – Qualification System

Official Qualification System for next European Games 2019 in Minsk is available online in Rules section and attached below.  

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WAE Executive Board Meeting – November 2017

The World Archery Europe Executive Board meeting was held on 25-26 November 2017 in Rome at the headquarters of the Italian Archery Federation. These are some of the important decisions: WAE Elective Congress The Elective Congress will be held in Legnica (POL) on Sunday 26 August 2018 in the morning at 9.00 o’ clock, on…

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WAE Judge Conference – Rome, 18-19 November

In Rome (ITA) 53 International and Continental Judges are in attendance to the very first World Archery Europe Judges Conference, organized by the WAE Judge Committee (Jean Martens, Klaus Lykkebaek, Luca Stucchi). The Conference was opened by WAE President Mr. Mario Scarzella who welcomes all the Judges. Many participants for two days of working on the…

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Stephan Hansen shoots 2nd perfect 600 points in history

Stephan Hansen, the world number one in Compound Men, shot a perfect 600 points during an Indoor Tournament in the North of Spain on 4 November 2017. He is the second person in history after Mike Schloesser to shoot 600/600 points. Congratulations! More on World Archery

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The Equality Prize 2017 to Sabrina Steffens

Sabrina Steffens, member of the World Archery Europe Executive Board and active International Judge, was awarded with the German Olympic Sports Federation’s Equality Prize 2017 for her international work as Archery Judge. She is awarded with the Equality Prize as a role model for girls and women for her “outstanding achievements in a field of action which still…

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World Archery Congress

The 52nd World Archery Congress was held in Mexico City on 13-14 October 2017, on the eve of the World Archery Championships that runs from 15 to 22 October 2017. The Congress was opened by World Archery President, prof. dr. Ugur Erdener. Delegates or appointed proxies representing 83 countries were present. The Delegates voted on…

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