
Gianni Mangino, WAE Honorary Treasurer, passed away

Former World Archery Europe Treasurer Gianni Mangino has died in Torino on 26 February 2023 at the age of 95 after a period of ill health.

He served as Treasurer of the international Federation (at that time called FITA) for almost 30 years and as Treasurer of the European Federation (then called EMAU) for 20 years.

He was appointed as EMAU Treasurer by the EMAU President Gino Mattielli in 1992 during the Congress in Malta, then he had been cooperating for 20 years with EMAU and he had been confirmed as Treasuer by three different EMAU Presidents.

He retired from such a task during the Congress in Amsterdam (20 May 2012), and on that occasion he was appointed by the Congress Delegates as WAE Honorary Treasurer.

The most sincere condolences to all of his family.

The funeral of Gianni Mangino will be held at 10:00 on Saturday 1 March 2023 in the Church “Parrocchia La Visitazione” in Turin, Corso Francia 272 .

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