For Europe, World Archery lists twenty-seven individuals as full status International Judges (IJ). Almost a half of them are women. All these women are not only judges, but are also involved in different areas of the world of archery. Therefore, “European Female International Judges” is World Archery Europe´s motto to celebrate the International Women´s Day on March 8th, 2024.
Europe will host the most important target archery competitions this year: the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. And many of Europe´s female IJ will help make these Games a great success.
After serving as Deputy Chair of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, Kathleen “Katy” Anne LIPSCOMB (GBR) will be Chairwoman of the Paris Paralympics´ Judges Commission. As well as being an IJ, Katy is also member of the WAE Judges Committee and works in various roles in archery in the UK. While she has worked on several important tournaments, such as London 2012 or European and World Championships, Katy calls it a huge privilege to judge at the Paralympics.
Katy will have Maya SHALABY (SLO) and Bettina KRATZMUELLER (AUT) with her in Paris, while Katerina KONCALOVA (CZE) is nominated as alternate. Katerina, the youngest European IJ, had started her international judging career as WA International Youth Judge and has already judged many international and continental tournaments. In addition, Katerina is member of the Executive Board and Chairwoman of the Judges Committee of the Czech Archery Federation and has held leading positions in the Organizing Committees of the European and World Para-Archery Championships in Pilsen (CZE). In 2024, Katerina will judge at the Hyundai World Cup and Final Olympic Quota Tournament in Antalya (TUR).

Female IJs from GBR and CZE are also nominated as judges for the Paris Olympics. Hannah BROWN (GBR) was the first female Chairwoman of an Olympic archery Judges Commission when she worked at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. She has also chaired World Archery´s Field & 3D Committee for years until 2023. In these areas she also worked as Technical Delegate at continental and international levels, as did Kristina REITMEIER (CZE), Hannah´s successor as Chairwoman in the WA Field & 3D Committee and close friend. In 2024, Kristina will chair the World Field Championships in Canada. Both will be members of the Paris Olympic Games Judges Commission, together with Aslihan UNSAL from Turkey while Sabrina STEFFENS (GER) who already officiated at the 2016 Rio Olympics is nominated as alternate.
Sabrina served on the WA Judges Committee until 2023 and subsequently became a member of the WA Electoral Board. Moreover, she has been a member of the WAE Executive Board for many years. In her home federation, Sabrina is not only responsible for the judges´ education as Referee for Archery Judging, but is also the representative for archery as a competitive sport in the Education Committee of the Deutscher Schuetzenbund. In 2024, Sabrina will judge at the Hyundai World Cup Finals in Mexico.

With Maren HAASE, the German Archery Federation has another internationally successful female IJ who has already officiated at the Paralympics in Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020. Like Maren, Ringa BALRUSAITE (LTU) will also not be in Paris this year. But she served as a judge at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and the Rio 2016 Paralympics. In 2024, Ringa, who is Chairwoman of the Examination Committee in the Lithuanian Archery Federation, is nominated as alternate for the WA 3D Championships in Mokrice (SLO) and will be a member of the Judges Commission of the WA Field Championships in Lac la Biche (CAN). In Canada, Ringa will work with Christina TIFLIDOU (GRE), the young IJ who is an expert for Field & 3D in Greece. She supported a Greek club in organizing the first ever WA 3D competition in Greece.
Last but not least, it is an honor to name Xiuzhi ZHANG (NOR) as currently the longest-serving European IJ, who began her duties as IJ back in 1998. Xiuzhi had been Archery Competition Manager at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Sport Manager for Archery at the Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 and Archery Technical Operations Manager at London 2012 , when she became member of the 2016 Rio Olympics´ Judges Commission and worked as Assistant Director of Shooting (DoS) at the Paralympics and Olympics 2020 in Tokyo. In 2024, Xiuzhi will work as DoS at the Hyundai World Cup in Shanghai (CHI).

WAE Gender Equity Liaison
Vienna, March 8th, 2024