WAE Coaches Course
Coach Course 2018-2019
WAE is preparing a special training course of Coach Trainers in Salzburg (Austria). The course is a 2-years Continental Training open to all European Archery Federations.
The principle of this project is:
*for 2018: to train European archery Coaches with a good experience at level 2, how to train level 1 archery Coaches. The prior level 2 coaching education can have been delivered by any archery organization under the umbrella of World Archery.
*for 2019: to train European Level 1 Coach Trainers with a good experience how to train level 2 archery Coaches.
In both cases, the Coach Trainer Candidates should be registered by their own National Archery Federations and commit to serve as Coach Trainer in their country and abroad. The participants’ registration is examined and evaluated by the Expert before the acceptance of their eligibility.

This project is strongly supported by World Archery, because it will contribute to:
- Increase the number of opportunities of being educated as archery coach, since each new archery Coach Trainer will train new archery coaches in his/her country and even abroad.
- Increase the number of new certified archery coaches through more training opportunities.
- Increase the pool of potential Coach Trainers. As you probably know there are quite few at the moment.
- Reduce the cost, by using a Coach Trainers living nearby.
- Generate International exchanges on how to train archery coaches.
- Allow the local course to be conducted in the mother language of the participants.
- Facilitate the cultural understanding between the Coach Trainers and the participants and by consequence provide efficient training.
The WAE, WA and Olympic Solidarity encourage all European Archery Federations to register at least one participant to this special training of Level 1 (Archery Coach Trainers) that is scheduled to be organized by the Austrian Archery Federation in Saltzburg, for 11 days, between 18-28 June 2018.
Participants arrival on 17 June and departure on 29 June 2018.
The Level 2 Coach Trainer course is scheduled to be organized by the Austrian Archery Federation, for 7 days in 2019 (tbc), for the WA certified Level 1 Coach Trainers.
- Only through the respective National Archery Federation to the Archery Europe.
- 1 coach per country. On special cases a maximum of two coaches could be considered, but the additional participants will have to cover their participation cost by their own.
- Candidates will be asked to wait for the official approval of their attendance to proceed to flight booking.
- Now open. Please register as soon as possible by contacting WAE: m.pisciotti@archeryeurope.org
- Please send a copy of your registration to WAF: pcolmaire@archery.org
to WAE DTAC: evelynpapa310@gmail.com
and to Austrian Archery Federation: oebsv@oebsv.com
Deadline: 10 June 2018
- Principle: first registered, first served
- 14 candidates
Candidates profile:
Candidates to the course must:
- Have at least 2 years of experience as level 2 archery coach; of course level 3 archery coaches are welcome. A level 2 or 3 training from any archery organisation will do.
- Be charged (already or after training) by their national archery federation to train coaches in our sport
- Commit to run at least one level 1 coaching course during the year following their training course as Coaches Trainers Candidate
- Accept to train coaches abroad on request
- Speak English fluently. Please, make sure that your candidates meet this requirement.
Evaluation - Certification:
- During their training the candidates will be evaluated on their skills to conduct some practical teaching situations. If successful the candidates will become Level 1 Archery Coach Trainer Candidates for 1 year maximum.
- The Level 1 Archery Coach Trainer Candidates will have to produce preparation documents to conduct a level 1 archery coaching course within the 10 months following their training. These documents will be evaluated by the course experts.
- The Level 1 Archery Coach Trainer Candidates will have to conduct a level 1 archery coaching course (*) within the year following their training course, then to report on the course. This report will be evaluated by the courseexperts.
- The certification as Level 1 archery Coach Trainer will be valid until the end of 2022 inclusive.
- To keep the status of level 1 Coach Trainer the attendance to a special training course and evaluation will be required before the end of the year 2022.
(*) the course must be organized under the umbrella of a WA Member Association
Trainers 2018:
- The WA Development & Education Director: Mr. Pascal COLMAIRE
- Martin PTACNIK, Austrian archery Coaches Trainer, Level 2
Trainers 2019:
- The WA Development & Education Director: Mr. Pascal COLMAIRE
- To be confirmed
Training location:
Name: Hotel Jägerwirt
Address: Kasern 4, A-5101 Bergheim bei Salzburg, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)662 – 45 21 77
E-Mail: info@jaegerwirt-salzburg.at
Website: http://www.jaegerwirt-salzburg.at/en/
Salzburg International Airport
Salzburg is directly reachable by plane from those cities:
Travel to Salzburg is at the attendant charge.
A Registration Fee of 100 € per participant is required.
Registration Fee should be paid, no later than 30 May 2018, at the Austrian Archery Federation Bank Account:
Bank: Oberbank Salzburg Schallmoos
Account Name: ÖsterreichischerBogensportverband
IBAN: AT791509000371022948
All the cost related to Course attendance will be taken in charge at the Airport arrival by the Austrian Archery Federation. Included: onsite transportation, hotel and full board (during the course) and training cost.
For additional participants:
Local transport price is 30 € per person from/to Airport-Hotel. Hotel accommodation, full board, price is 95 € per person in double room and 120 € in single room.
Participation cost should be also paid to the above Austrian Archery Federation Bank Account.
Thank you beforehand for supporting this important project for the best development of archery!